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Cutting down wait times at ticketed events by mobilizing the box office


UX/UI Designer


Oct '19 - Mar '20




1 Designer (Me), 3 SWE, 1  QA



For my senior design capstone project at UCI, I worked in a team of 5 to build a real product over six months for a local company. My team partnered with Paciolan, a company that specializes in ticketing services and technology solutions for events like sports games and concerts. As the UX  Designer on my team, I was responsible for handling all design-related tasks for this project and advocating for the user.


How might we create a new way to reduce long lines at ticketed events?

In a time where buying ticketed events and attractions online wasn't nearly as commons as it is now, many organizations operated solely through their physical ticket booths. A common problem at popular events was the long lines to enter these events, something that every single customer does not want to wait in.


Design extends beyond the device

As designers we're not just designing for how the user will interact with their device, but also how they will interact with the world. 

Find and Search Nearby Events

The home screen provides operators with a list of nearby current and upcoming events to sell tickets for.

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To learn more about my research + design process, contact me at

Other work


An iPad app that mobilizes the box office to cut down wait times

Hence the name Line Buster. The app can be used by employees both inside and outside of the box office to sell and print tickets for customers. Think of it like a busy In-N-Out drive-thru where an employee can go up to your car to take your order—except after you order you get your food right away. Line Buster follows the same concept but for dealing with customers in line at the box office.

Get the best tickets

Curated filters to help find the best seats for each customer.

Seamless checkout

A simple checkout screen that allows users to quickly complete payments and move the line up.

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